Purpose for wake/ funeral service

Each time I conduct service for wake or funeral I asked myself this question, “the purpose of me sharing in the funeral service are…..”

Sometime, we may get so caught up with the sharing and the formality of the service that we neglected the real reason for us being there.

There are many reasons why we have a service at such a gathering.
Firstly, to express pastoral love to the family by being there.
Secondly, to bring comfort and hope to the family thru the sharing of God’s word and promises.
Thirdly, to let those who have not heard the good news, a chance to hear it.

The demises of love-one is one of the deepest sorrow, depress and weak process that we have to go thru. We need lots of support from family, friends and church at this moment.

As a Christian, am I being a support to the family without reservation or do I provide support as long as it does not imposed on me?

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